Forex Secret


A New Blog and Keen Insights From Simon Gillis

It's a distinct pleasure for me to introduce a new blog covering financial markets, gold, and good wine. Simon Gillis is an accomplished hedge fund money manager based in the U.K. I can personally attest not only to his fine taste in cuisine, but also to his keen insights into economics, financial markets, and much more.

(If you ever interact with Simon, make sure he tells you his Al Hamra restaurant insight into the financial crisis. Better yet, maybe he'll offer the insight in a future blog post.)

Well, keen I'm sure to make a big splash with his inaugural post, Simon has posted one of the most lucid accounts of the current financial crisis I've yet read. He places the crisis into historical context, comparing and contrasting with the Great Depression, and also addresses specific reforms that need to be undertaken to prevent the crisis from widening. It's excellent, insightful reading.

One of the highest compliments I can pay Simon is that he is always learning. He recently began coursework at the London School of Economics and is integrating his lessons into his market insights. I look forward to reading (and linking to) his future posts.
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